Hello and welcome to my blog,

I would like to share here my experience with studying and living in Scotland.
My hope is that the posts might turn out to be useful, entertaining or inspiring.
I wish to capture the sheer beauty of this country, my adventures and also offer some insider tips.

Keep in touch!

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Day 11, The Pub Quiz

We (that is to say us 141 international study abroad students) had few more lectures today about how to use a library, what are the rules there, how to most effectively prepare for classes and the NHS information.It took more of the 6 hours. But I found the girls - two lifesavers, Courtney and Rachel. They are both from the USA, Kentucky and we found out that we have not only very similar interests, but also that we all live in the same street. I am being so lucky! I cannot believe it. They like hiking and exploring and we are already planning so many activities together.

Later in the afternoon, I had my first class. I got lost on my way there, the size of the campus is still a bit overwhelming, but eventually I found it. My first lecture was Political Concepts and Ideas. I have never liked politics, more to the contrary...but I decided before I have any feelings about some concept, I better find out more and take off the blidsheeds. And actually the first lecture was really interesting, it had a lot to do with the history, which I love. I am still not sure what I would like to do in the future (and envy all those ofyou who do), but I really like enhancing my knowledge in all sorts of ideas. In the end I wish to fill in all the missing parts of the puzzle and create a bigger picture. And I believe (not that I want to jump into conclusion) that this subject (or module as they call them here) is going to fill in a big missing space in my puzzle of life knowledge and I am happy about it.

In the evening there was an event organized by the Student union, it involved a competition - a pub quiz - between different group I arrived earlier and did not know anyone except Conn, so I joined him and his friend Stuart, Northern Ireland. The quiz was really hard, some of the questions were impossible to answer. I missed the last bus that would take me home after the quiz, but I would not mind walking even in the dark.I feel really safe here. When I was a child I would be scared of darl, but I am also a really curious. The curiosity overcomes the fear...only in the bad way. Eventually I stopped being scared of night and discoved the beauty of it.

However Stuart insisted on walking me home, he lives just few minutes away from me...but still it was really sweet of him. I have not met many men who would behave like gentleman so far. I plan to write some one of the next posts about it actually.

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