Hello and welcome to my blog,

I would like to share here my experience with studying and living in Scotland.
My hope is that the posts might turn out to be useful, entertaining or inspiring.
I wish to capture the sheer beauty of this country, my adventures and also offer some insider tips.

Keep in touch!

Sunday 27 July 2014

An announcement

Dear friends,

if you have been following my blog as I went to Scotland and started writing my experience on day to day basis, you also probably noticed that I stopped doing that after short while.

The reason is rather simple. 

After those few days, that I did manage to write about, I started to be busy
Like really really busy.
I was busy with absorbing the country, the kindness of people, the customs and meeting new people. 

My usual routine was that I would be writing  by the time I got home, took a shower after a long day and get everything sorted. I would be spending an hour or so writing a new post. 

However, sooner than I expected I got overwhelmed by the exciting events and things happening during the days and I also got involved in really interesting societies.
I simply dived into the bed at the end of the days, being happy that I managed to change into my pjs and brush my teeth.

Yes, I soon became very happy in Scotland. I got in touch with amazing people and we were experiencing adventures on daily basis. I consider myself very lucky and also to be honest I am a bit angry with myself for not sticking to my original plan of writing an online diary/report of what has been happening. On the other hand, I am not that angry at all. 

The fact that I have not been able to push myself to write a new post might have to so with a tiny bit of laziness, but mainly...it has to do more with the fact that I have been having a time of my life in a breathtakingly beautiful country with truly amazing people.

Nevertheless, I am back in the Czech Republic now and I will not go into details how I feel about it yet (that is an issue on its own).  However, I decided to go back into writing about my stay in Scotland, since it is still pretty much stuck in my memory. 

Honestly said...I am not entirely sure whether I am doing this more for myself or for you. I want to capture my thoughts and feelings about my stay and also for those of you, who have been following my posts from the beggining - I want to make it up to you.

My stay in Scotland has not always been too rosy either...I have had some painful events happening in my family and it was hard to deal with that from distance. When writing about my experience I will try to write it as I felt it.

I will not make any promises about the frequency of me posting another posts, otherwise I might end up with going back on them again (which I really do not want to). 

Let me say it this way, I will post some new stuff everytime I will be missing Scotland and my friends there and everytime I will be bored and sick of being back...and that might actually be more often than you or I thought.

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