Hello and welcome to my blog,

I would like to share here my experience with studying and living in Scotland.
My hope is that the posts might turn out to be useful, entertaining or inspiring.
I wish to capture the sheer beauty of this country, my adventures and also offer some insider tips.

Keep in touch!

Wednesday 5 March 2014

CW - Monsters and Villains

This week we were supposed to write on a piece of paper 3 negative characteristics of people that we find displeasing, annoying or even evil. Furthermore, we were supposed to write one positive characteristic. Then we put those in a hat and pulled out someone elses.

On my piece of paper there was written:

I have to say I had hard time writing this story, especially incorporating the "sadistic" part in it and this is what I finally wrote:

Bastien rolled his eyes. He had enough of it. Enough of the dirty and dusty place. Enough of the stupid and stubborn people. Yet another parents refused to allow him give medicine for their child who clearly suffered from typhus.

"For Christ sake"...no need to excuse my French there... "people can´t you see that this is the only way to safe your child? I don´t give a shit about your religion. No Buddha, no Shiva, no Mohammad or other freaky dudes are going to cure your child. And you want him cured, don´t you? Don´t you?!"

"Tamara, translate this...would you?"

He was outraged, this was the 5th family questioning his medical practise since the morning and is was only 10:30. He did not have the patience anymore, he felt his anger gradually pulsing in his veins and also making him sweat even more in the unbearable heat. And then...out of nowhere, something scratched his leg. It was a yellow-eyed cat that was played with his shoe lace.

He looked down at his favourite and no longer white, but rather in red-dust and sand covered sneakers. Suddenly the view for him symbolised everything he hated. He hated the country and more than anything, he hated cats. Cats were just creepy unreliable creature with weird anatomy.

"Wait, aren´t they supposed to be sacred here? Screw that!"

He moved his leg, the cat´s claw still stuck in his shoe-lace. That was it, he could not control himself anymore, he started kicking the animal. The poor thing was trying to trying to escape, but Bastien kicked it´s head...the diyyiness was taking over and he would not stop kicking. His white trousers were now covered with splashes of red blood, but he would not have enough. With the last rush of anger he stepped on cat´s head and crushed it´s skull. 

He was breathing heavily...It was not until this moment that he realised that everyone stares at him.

He kicked the remains of the body to the corner of the room, looked up at the patients who were now staring at him in horror. 

"You want your kid dead? Keep refusing then! Darling Tamara, translate it would you?"

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