Hello and welcome to my blog,

I would like to share here my experience with studying and living in Scotland.
My hope is that the posts might turn out to be useful, entertaining or inspiring.
I wish to capture the sheer beauty of this country, my adventures and also offer some insider tips.

Keep in touch!

Sunday 27 July 2014

Know about Scotland that...

There is an ongoing rivalty between Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Though Glasgow is bigger (600.000 inhabitants) and is after London and Birmingham the third biggest city in United Kingdom, the capital of Scotland since the 15thcentury is Edinburgh (480.000).
An interesting fact - the capital actually used to be Stirling.

Nowadays, people are devide into those who like one and hate the other.

I have to say that I like Glasgow for its vibrant life and Edinburgh for its historical roots.
If you would be interested to know more about this, I recommend this book:

Scots do not love the English, based on the oppression in history. The do not wish to be "rulled by" the English. 
In September there is a big independence referendum, when everyone above 16 can vote whether s/he wants Scotland to be independent or not.

A thistle is a national "flower". 
According to a legend, there was a foreign warrior invading scottish settlement, he stepped on a thistle which made him shout out loud and saved the Scots. 

Nowadays you find the thistle signs everywhere.

The official animal in Scotland is a unicorn.

A unicorn, according to the Celts symbolises happiness, purity, grace and healing.
It first started to appear on coins around 1500 AD.

The Loch Ness monster (Nessie) exists. It does, you just have seen it yet.

Scotland is a land of fairies. Similarly as in Norway you have trolls, in Scotland you have fairies. The highest concentration of those creatures is apparently the Fairy Glen on the Isle of Skye. Your would have to be blind not to see one there.

There have been quite a few influental people being born in Scotland
Let´s name a few: 

Adam Smith (the invisible hand theory guy)
William Wallace (the warrior..will tell you more about him in upcoming posts)
Robert Burns (the poet)
 David Livingstone (the medical missionary and traveller that discovered the Victoria falls, named after Queen Victoria)
Sir Walter Scott (the novelist and poet)
J.K. Rowling (yes, the author of the famous Harry Potter books, thank you Mrs. Rowling for an amazing childhood enriched with the world of magic) 
Andy Murray (the tennis player)

And finally...the weather!
Yes it does rain, quite a lot. But there is a saying that says something like "if it rains, just waits 5 minutes" - because the weather changes a lot throughout the day.

I would say that it is very likely that you will get some rain throughout the day, however it is very unlikely that it will rain all day long...just try waiting for 5 minutes :)

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