Hello and welcome to my blog,

I would like to share here my experience with studying and living in Scotland.
My hope is that the posts might turn out to be useful, entertaining or inspiring.
I wish to capture the sheer beauty of this country, my adventures and also offer some insider tips.

Keep in touch!

Wednesday 11 February 2015


Ok, this is another of melancholic posts, mid-desperately trying to capture the fading memory of one day, a year ago.

Let me start again than...
A year ago, us 141 international study abroad students were gathered and devided into different bus coaches that were taking us all around Stirling and surroundings.

Me and Rachel were in the same bus and we started chatting instantly. But Courtney was in a different bus. Our first stop was the Stirling Castle and there we finally met Courtney, but she was chatting to another girl 
...a girl that I did not much like, although I never spoke to her 

Hazel Proust.

She smiled at me and started talking to me. 
Well, from the first moment we started talking I feel like I wanted to know that girl better. I wanted to know more. 
That day we never really stopped talking. 
Not even in the Dunblane cathedral, where people are not supposed to talk, or talk very silently.

Hazel and I clicked. 
Since the day a year ago, we started seeing each other almost every day.

- found a first man in a kilt.

- had lunches together (usually veggie soups in the Stir cafe).

- found the only golden post box in the UK.

- went on flat-warming parties together.

- went to various galleries together.

- have been to Glasgow to see Jekyll and Hyde musical.

- joined the same society.

- spend long hours talking about and showing each other art and specific paintings that we liked.

- went half-way up the Arthur´s seat.

- went to a bonfire together.

- went over to each other´s houses and cooked for each other countless times.

- shared veg bags.
- shared gossip and occasionally talked behind people´s back together.
- went up half-way Dumyat together.

- had countless pints of cider together.

-we have been to several vintage shops and loooved just going through the clothes. I can almost hear you saying Hazel "yeah, I love, go for it! :D"

- went on picnicks.

- went on a spring break to Oban and sank our feet in mud while walking through the fields.

- climbed over two gates and went to a castle at night.

- got tipsy and danced at Ceilidh and had the most fun ever.

- got tipsy and danced it out in 24 bellow club.

- went for a Mean girls pub quiz together.

- we went on a Highland trip and saw the Harry Potter bridge!

- we went to several cafes.

- we went for a walk to Dunblane.

- found a cave where the author of the book Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson chilled as a kid.

- we slept at the same hostel as Johny Depp. :)

- went for sightseeing in Prague,

- went on the paddle boats and listened to CocoRosie songs.

Hazel taught me to eat the best delicatessen ever – carrot and hummus and celery and peanut butter.
And let me play with her hair :)

 Miss you Hazelbabes, hope you are happy where ever you are! :)

Monday 9 February 2015

Orientation a year ago

A year ago
I woke up after four hours of sleep, got ready and a bit heavy headed started walking towards the Stirling Uni.

A year ago, 
me and 140 other international students who arrived to study in Stirling had an orientation day in one of the lecture theaters.
The night before that I decided to pay my 1st of 4 visits to the Stirling clubs. My flatmates took me out to experience the Stirling night life, I remember that I quite enjoyed myself, encouraged with moderate amount of alcohol I decided to dance (quite a rare event of this sort) and I danced and danced and danced.
Until I realised it would be a good time to head home, since the morning after I had to wake up for the Orientation day.

A year ago, 
in the morning I started walking from my accommodation that was quite far from the Uni with a bit of a speed (I knew that it might take me a while to find the exact place, although I was by no means expecting such a labyrinth as Cottrell eventually proved to be). Finding the theater was bloody hard and everyone kept sending me at wrong places. 
When I managed to find it I was all sweaty and my boots were covered in mud that I managed to fell into. 
Needless to say that I did not feel even a tiny bit comfortable.

But here I was, observing the people around me and trying to absorb all the information about the courses, the library, the computers, the medical center and other services provided by the Uni, the clubs and societies was condensed in one day. 
Being there sleepy with a bit of a headache in the middle of a very confusing labyrinth like building, where I did not know anyone, was slightly distressing. 

Seeing people like Hazel who seemed like having the time of her life did not help either (Yes, Hazel I was jealous about how comfortable you seemed to be and decided not to like you :D ).
And then there was Sarah, sitting next to me, seemingly writing every word that was being said by the speakers, making me feel bad about not doing the same. Also Sarah, you were talking to Jess sitting behind me, how you feel like falling behind, because you haven't started doing the readings for the courses. 
Seriously, the lessons did not start and you started worrying me about the readings, thank you very much! :D

Similarly, like I immediately noticed Hazel in the lecture theater, I also noticed Rachel. With you Rachel, I instantly had a feeling that I want to be friends with you. 
I cannot describe it...sometimes I just see people and know that I want to get to know them better or that I want to become friends with them...and you were one of them. :)

Then later in the Atrium a tiny cute American lady approached me and ask whether I paid attention when they were talking about where to pick up a student card and whether I know where it might be. I had mine picked up by then, because I arrived a weak earlier so that I can deal with stuff like this...but unfortunately I was not able to help you with this Courtney because I had no idea how to describe the place or how to get there. You laughed (with the distinctive sound of laugh that I miss) and said that it did not matter and we both went different ways.

But then I luckily met both of you Rachel and Courtney again outside the Pathfoot building and started chatting again. How amazing surprise it was to find out that you shared the same residences as me. Before that I felt like living in the Union street, outside the campus I would not be able to socialize with people that well. 
But the feeling that I have those two amazing girls so close made me feel very fortunate and secure.

I asked for your names so that we could communicate via facebook as one of you (cannot remember, was it you Courtney?) did not have a UK sim card for quite a while.
Do you remember how I asked you Rachel to write down your name in my notebook so that I could find you on Facebook? You took it and all the receipts from my shopping that I have been keeping there, were blown away by the Strong Scottish wind and me, you and Courtney started running around like mad, to catch them all again? :)

I cannot believe that right at the beginning of my adventure I met the best people I could have wished for. 
Wherever you are now peeps, I hope you are doing great.